Discussion and Proposal process

Forum and Discord Tags

The Nabla community will use a combination of dedicated Forum posts and Discord tags to facilitate governance discussions:

  • General Governance: For general discussions related to DAO governance, members can use the tag #general-governance on Discord and create or contribute to threads in the "Governance" category on the Forum.

  • Proposal Drafting: For collaborating on drafting proposals, members can use the tag #proposal-drafting on Discord and create or contribute to threads in the "Proposal Drafting" category on the Forum.

  • Proposal Discussion: For discussing specific proposals and providing feedback, members can use the tag #proposal-discussion on Discord and create or contribute to threads in the "Proposal Discussion" category on the Forum.

  • Technical Discussion: For discussing technical aspects of proposals with the Technical Committee, members can use the tag #technical-discussion on Discord and create or contribute to threads in the "Technical Discussion" category on the Forum.

  • Voting Announcements: For announcing Snapshot votes and sharing the corresponding links, members can use the tag #voting-announcements on Discord and create or contribute to threads in the "Voting Announcements" category on the Forum.

Proposal Stages

  1. Idea Discussion: Members can share and discuss ideas in the "Governance" category on the Forum and use the #general-governance tag on Discord. This stage is for brainstorming and gathering community feedback on potential proposals.

  2. Proposal Drafting: If an idea gains enough support, a Proposal Champion will create a draft in the "Proposal Drafting" category on the Forum and use the #proposal-drafting tag on Discord. Members can provide feedback and collaborate on refining the proposal.

  3. Proposal Discussion: Once the draft is complete, it will be moved to the "Proposal Discussion" category on the Forum and discussed using the #proposal-discussion tag on Discord. Here, the community will engage in a more in-depth discussion, and the Proposal Champion will address feedback and concerns.

  4. Technical Review: If the proposal has a technical component, it will be reviewed by the Technical Committee in the "Technical Discussion" category on the Forum and discussed using the #technical-discussion tag on Discord. The committee will provide feedback and suggest changes to align the proposal with the project's vision.

  5. Finalization and Voting: After addressing the feedback, the Proposal Champion will submit the final proposal for a vote on Snapshot. A link to the vote will be shared in the "Voting Announcements" category on the Forum and announced using the #voting-announcements tag on Discord. Voting will be open for a predetermined period (e.g., 72 hours).

Last updated