How to contribute to testing

3 categories of tasks can be performed by Alpha Testnet participants:

1. Swaps

You can complete swaps between several pools.

Since Nabla pools are single-sided you can trade any combination of 6 assets (calculated as 15 pairs)

  • Swap Task 1: Do at least 3 swaps between assets

  • Swap Task 2: Swap into a swap pool that is depleted (A SP where the Liabilities>Reserve)

2. Liquidity Provisioning

An AMM without LPs is unimaginable. Please provide liquidity in:

  1. Swap Pools: Nabla offers low-risk LPing thanks to its novel pool architecture. Provide liquidity to the pools using your test tokens.

  2. Backstop Pool (BSP): The swap pool market-making risks (inventory risk and other risks) are confined to the backstop pool.

3. Liquidity Withdrawal

As an LP you can withdraw liquidity anytime, and Nabla offers several options to withdraw liquidity

  1. Withdraw your asset from the swap pool: This is what any AMM enables. LPs can provide liquidity and withdraw liquidity. Depending on the pool coverage, you'll get your share of the pool assets.

    • Task: Withdraw liquidity from swap pools.

  2. Withdraw assets from the backstop pool: The innovation of Nabla allows both BSP LPs and swap pool LPs to withdraw tokens from BSP.

    1. BSP pool LPs can withdraw their assets from the BSP. This is the default option.

    2. Swap pool LPs can withdraw from the BSP: If a swap pool is not 100% full the LP has the option to withdraw liquidity from the backstop pool in the BSP asset (currently USDC)

      There is a 1000-block (4-5 hours) lockup period for withdrawal from BSP after adding liquidity

    3. BSP LPs can withdraw assets from any swap pool if that pool has more assets compared to its liabilities (Coverage ratio >100%)

Your feedback is appreciated!

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Last updated