Managing Swap Pool Liquidity

Learn more about Swap Pools here.

1 - Go to the Swap Pool page here.

2 - Connect your wallet by selecting the option in the top right corner.

3 - Select Manage next to the asset you wish to add or withdraw from the Swap Pool.

Depositing into the Swap Pool

1 - Select Add Liquidity.

2 - A wallet pop-up with transaction details will appear. First, you need to grant Nabla permission to spend your assets. Click Next and then Approve to enable spending USDC.

3 - After approving Nabla to spend your USDC, click Deposit.

A wallet pop-up with transaction details will appear. Click Confirm to complete the deposit.

Withdrawing from the Swap Pool

1 - Select Manage next to the asset you wish to withdraw from the Swap Pool.

2 - Enter the amount you want to withdraw from the Backstop Pool.

A wallet pop-up with transaction details will appear. Click Confirm to complete the withdrawal.

Last updated