Connect Wallet to Base Sepolia Testnet

Compatible Wallets

Any EVM-based wallet is suitable for using Nabla. Here are some of the wallets you can use:

Connecting to Nabla on Base Sepolia Testnet

Wallets usually connect to Ethereum by default. To access the testnet, select Base Sepolia in your wallet's available networks.

Adding Base Sepolia Testnet Manually

To add the network manually, click the drop-down in the top-left corner of your MetaMask wallet.

Select Add Network in the pop-up.

Select Add a network manually in the following screen.

Enter these credentials into the network configuration details :


Network Name

Base Sepolia


Chain ID


Currency Symbol


Block explorer URL

After entering the data as above, click save.

After saving the network configuration, you should get automatically connected to Base Sepolia.

Last updated