Mainnet Alpha Rewards
During the first stage of the Mainnet Alpha, the $AMBER reward allocation is as follows.
The Swap Pools
The swap pools were launched on Aug-13-2024 10:00:00 PM UTC (1723586400).
Caps and rewards for the pools are as follows unless updated below:
Swap Pool asset | Daily $AMBER rewards of the pool | Pool cap |
USDC | 5,000 | 25,000 |
USDT | 5,000 | 25,000 |
WETH | 6,000 | 10 |
WBTC | 7,000 | 0.42 |
ARB | 7,000 | 40,000 |
Update 1: By Aug-23-2024 11:09:10 AM UTC (1724411350), the WETH pool cap increased to 20 WETH, and the daily $AMBER emission increased to 12,000 points.
Update 2: After Sep-11-2024 00:00:00 AM UTC (1726012800), the USDT pool phased out, and its $AMBER emission stopped. Also, the USDC pool cap dropped to 12,500, and the daily reward emission dropped to 2500 $AMBER.
The Backstop Pool
The BSP was launched on Aug-09-2024 at 08:00:00 AM UTC (1723190400).
The reward scheme for the Backstop pool is currently set as follows:
Backstop Pool asset | Daily $AMBER rewards of the BSP | Pool cap |
USDC | 35,000 | 100,000 |
The above allocations are set for the pool caps initially mentioned. If the caps are increased, the distribution scheme may change.
Daily point allocation rewards early depositors more than later depositors, but even near the pool caps, the points earned are projected to be satisfactory.
The Swap Volume
The user's swap volumes on Nabla will also impact the points earned; however, the specifics will not be disclosed now to prevent bot abuse.
Last updated