$sNABLA Token Utility
Staking $NABLA tokens unlocks certain rights and benefits.
Protocol Governance
First and foremost, $sNABLA conveys governance rights, granting control over key decisions. Nabla will decentralize progressively over time, increasing the control of token holders over the protocol. Initially, the protocol is launched with recommended parameters that can later be adjusted by governance.
Pool Governance
Besides general protocol governance, stakers can also propose e.g. adding new pools, changing parameters, or allocating rewards to certain pools. This is particularly interesting for protocols that aim to bootstrap liquidity for their own tokens.
Staking Rewards
Stakers receive a 20% share of all LP incentives that are being allocated to Swap Pools, e.g. by the respective token issuers. This also applies to the $AMBER rewards allocated by the Nabla protocol itself. The reward share for each staker is based on his voting power.
LP APR Bonus
Nabla stakers also profit from supercharged APRs for their deposits in any Swap Pool. 20% of all swap fees are being shared as “bonus rewards” between all eligible LP positions in the respective pool. Nabla stakers can profit from this bonus in each pool up to a total LP share corresponding to their voting power share.
Example: A Nablan holds 1% of the total $sNABLA voting power, and the pools contain US$2 m worth of BTC and $1m worth of ETH. In this case, Nablan can profit from this APR bonus on up to $20k worth of BTC deposits and $10k worth of ETH deposits.
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